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Dana Allmond
Army Lt. Colonel (ret)
Guest Speaker

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Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Dana Allmond, Chief of the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services Office of Veteran & Military Family Affairs within the Arizona Department of Economic Security was our guest speaker at the Perch Base monthly meeting on March 8, 2025. She was also accompanied by her Deputy Chief Marcus Trombetta.
Dana discussed the services available from her organization and a theme of "No Veteran Left Behind."

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Dana Allmond, Army Lt Col (ret)

Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Dana Allmond, Chief of the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services Office of Veteran & Military Family Affairs.

Dana Allmond, Army Lt Col (ret)

Marcus Trombetta, Deputy Chief of the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services Office of Veteran & Military Family Affairs.

Dana Allmond, Army Lt Col (ret)

As our guest speaker, Dana drew the winning ticket for our 50/50 drawing.

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