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Perch Base
National Convention
Cleveland, Ohio

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USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The Convention Patch.


Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) and some of their wives & family went to the 2024 USSVI National Convention held from August 19 to August 24, 2024, in Cleveland, OH at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Rockside. The USSVI Cod Base sponsored the Convention.
Thanks to Joe Trotter for providing these photos.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

(l-r:) Perch Base members Joe Trotter, John Beckett & his son, John Jr.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Perch Base members Marcia & Don Unser.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Perch Base member Bob Gilmore.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Perch Base member Steve Day.
Steve is also Base Commander of the USSVI White Mountain Base.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

(l-r:) Tim Barker & Kelly Graham. Both are members of the Columbus Base.
Tim was skipper of the USS Wahoo (SS-565) from 1979 to 1980.
Kelly Graham was also a member of Tucson Base prior to moving to Ohio.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

SEIS suit. (submarine escape immersion suit.)

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The USS Cod (SS-224) 5"-25 caliber wet-mount deck gun.
Learn more about this deck gun on the USS Cod's YouTube channel HERE.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Perch Base Storekeeper, John Beckett, loading a round in the deck gun aboard the USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.
Note the onlookers covering their ears!

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Can you still run through a submarine hatch without slowing down?

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The smoking lamp is lit.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The torpedo transporter, A.K.A. Big Henry, on the USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial grounds.
Big Henry is named in memory of Henry Vanetta who donated the transporter to the Memorial.
A Mark 14, Mod 5 torpedo with an exercise head is mounted on the transporter.
The transporter is fully functional and the crane is still used for loading and unloading artifacts on the USS Cod deck.
Learn more about Big Henry on the USS Cod's YouTube channel HERE.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Joe Trotter at the periscope on the USS Cod (SS-224)

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Storage rack for the OBA cannisters on the USS Cod (SS-224).
That warm feeling in your belly may not always be from the fine submarine food!

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

This replica of a Sargo II battery cell is immaculate. It was recently built by the volunteers of the Cod. What a dedicated bunch of folks.
Learn more about the battery cell on the USS Cod's YouTube channel HERE.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

I spent most of my adult life on boats that sank on purpose.
And you expect me to be normal??

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos


USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The Momsen Lung for escape from a sunken submarine.
The Momsen Lung was used until the late 1950's when it was replaced by the Steinke Hood and later by the SEIS suit.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial is designated as a National Historic Monument.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The 2024 USSVI National Convention Tolling of the Boats Ceremony was conducted at the USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

The 2024 USSVI National Convention Tolling of the Boats Ceremony was conducted at the USS Cod (SS-224) Submarine Memorial.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

After the Tolling of the Boats Ceremony, they fired up one of the diesels.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Friday evening dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Friday evening dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline.
(l-r:) John Dudas & Joe Kruppa.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Friday evening dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline.
(on the left:) RADM Weldon Koenig.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Friday evening dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Friday evening dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Friday evening dinner cruise on the Lady Caroline.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Saturday Annual Awards Banquet. Marcia & Don Unser.

USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Saturday Annual Awards Banquet. Perch Base member John Beckett (r) & his son, John Jr. (l).


USSVI 2024 National Convention Photos

Floor inlay at the Pittsburg airport.


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