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Perch Base
Prescott Frontier Days® Parade

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Perch Base took the USS Phoenix float up to Prescott, Arizona on July 6th, 2024, for the Prescott Frontier Days® Parade. The parade had many entries and a very large crowd to watch the parade. We were in the parade with Gudgeon Base. Tucson Base also was there with their USS Tucson (SSN-770) submarine float. Members and family rode or walked in the parade from the 3 bases!
The 2024 Parade Theme was "PRESCOTT TRADITIONS."
Congratulations to the entire group. Arizona Submarine Veterans - Gudgeon Base and Perch Base won as the 3rd place parade entry!
After the parade, we had a BBQ lunch at Tom Warner's home in Prescott Valley.
Thanks to Joe Trotter & CC Clarke for providing photos of the parade.

Eleven Perch Base members and family attended the parade. Although not all are shown in these photos, the complete list is included in the Sailing List link at the bottom of this webpage.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

(l-r) Timothy Parkin (David Heighway's grandson,) Carl Miner, Chris Gahan, David Heighway, George Woods, CC Clarke, Joe Trotter & Paul Miller.

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

Carl Miner.

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

(l-r) Paul Miller & David Heighway (and Dave's dog, Ella).

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

(l-r) Chris Gahan & John Beckett.

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

Staged and ready.

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

Pre-underway checks complete. Ready to single up lines.


July 2024 Prescott parade photos

Some of the views are as nice for us to see, as we are to the parade watchers.


Thanks to Tom Warner for inviting us to join Gudgeon Base at the BBQ after the parade.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

July 2024 Prescott parade photos

Our BBQ host, Tom Warner, wearing the apron.

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