Perch Base
ASSM Brick
Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) Joe Trotter and Dan Marks installed three new ASSM Memorial Brick Pavers on April 15, 2024, at the
Arizona Silent Service Memorial (ASSM) in Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza in front of the Arizona State Capital building.
Joe Trotter is the Treasurer and a Board Member of the ASSM Foundation Committee, a 501(c)3 Organization, as well as
Treasurer of Perch Base Submarine Veterans USSVI. Dan Marks is the Perch Base Webmaster.
Thank you for the generosity of those that bought new ASSM Memorial Brick Pavers, which support the upkeep of the ASSM Memorial:
Mike Haler: 4" X 8" brick
Smith Hoffman and Buckman Family: 4" X 8" brick
John A. McKee, Jr: 4" X 8" brick
Joe and Dan installed the 3 bricks and also performed additional maintenance at the Memorial, including wire brushing rust off the handrails and
recoating the rails, general cleaning and pulling weeds.
Would you like to sponsor a new ASSM Memorial Brick Paver to help maintain the Arizona Silent Service Memorial (ASSM)?
Follow this link to the ASSM Memorial Brick Paver donation page at
Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.