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Perch Base
Nancy Nelson
Memorial Service

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Nancy Nelson

Nancy Nelson


Eight Perch Base members and family attended the Memorial Service for Nancy Nelson. Nancy, who was a Perch Base SubVette, was the wife of Perch Base Holland Club Member Jim (Nellie) Nelson who previously departed on Eternal Patrol on August 15, 2020.
Our condolences to her son Brent, who is also a Qualified Submariner, and the rest of the family.
Nancy was proud of the fact that she was the daughter of a Submariner, wife of a Submariner, sister of a Submariner, and mother of a Submariner.
Jim (Nellie) was our Perch Base Chief of the Boat (COB) in 2001, the Base Storekeeper from 2003 to 2008, and was awarded Perch Base Sailor of the Year Award in 2007.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

The Memorial Service was opened by Roberto on behalf of the National Cemetery of Arizona.

The Memorial Service was opened by Roberto on behalf of the National Cemetery of Arizona.

The Memorial Service was officiated by Chaplain Andy.

The Memorial Service was officiated by Chaplain Andy.

The Memorial Service was officiated by Chaplain Andy.

Numerous attendees talked about Nancy. Shown here is her son, Brent, also a qualified Submariner.

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