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Perch Base
Western Region

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2023 Western Region Roundup group photo

Left click photo to enlarge.
Credit to Rod Stark.


The Western Region Roundup was held in Sacramento, CA from April 27 – 29, 2023.
Perch Base members attending the Roundup were George & Alice Woods, Don & Marcia Unser and Dan Marks
Dan Marks is both the Perch Base webmaster AND the Western Region Roundup webmaster. Rather than duplicating the information on both websites, here is a link to the photos and descriptions of the event on the Western Region Roundup website.

Although the link, above, presents all the Western Region Roundup activities, the following photos highlight some of our own Perch Base members at the Roundup.

April 2023 Western Region Roundup

(l-r) Romie Ortiz (Tucson Base) and Alice Woods staffing the 2023 Tucson National Convention table.

April 2023 Western Region Roundup

Marcia Unser visiting the 2023 Tucson National Convention table. Alice Woods behind table.

April 2023 Western Region Roundup

Don Unser on left sharing a sea story with Mike Ortiz from the Tucson Base.

April 2023 Western Region Roundup

Marcia Unser on her way to the Julietta Winery tour.

April 2023 Western Region Roundup

Perch Base Holland Club and Life Member Don Unser giving the invocation at the Dinner Banquet.

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