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Perch Base
Annual Awards Banquet

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Perch Base held its Annual Awards Banquet on January 15, 2022, at the Pebble Creek Clubhouse. Our guest speaker was Captain Vernon J. Parks, Jr (ret). Since COVID caused last year's banquet to be cancelled, there were two awards for "Sailor of the Year." The 2020 "Sailor of the Year." was Marcia Unser, Base Secretary. The 2021 "Sailor of the Year." was Joe Trotter, Base Treasurer. John Engelmann had been previously picked and announced during the August 2021 monthly meeting as the winner of the Earlybird Contest.

The Perch Base Commander, George Woods, opened the Annual Banquet, followed by the Invocation led by Don Unser.

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January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Perch Base Commander, George Woods, opened the Annual Banquet.


January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

The Invocation was led by Don Unser.

Following the Evening Meal, Base Commander George Woods introduced our guest speaker, Captain Vernon J. Parks, Jr (ret). Vern Parks, a native of New Jersey, is a career Naval Officer, serving as a Submarine Officer and as a Joint Officer in various and diverse assignments over the course of 30+ years. He recently retired as a Captain from the US Navy and started a second career as a Senior Professional member of The Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU APL}. A more extensive biography is included on the last page of the Awards Banquet program, below.
Vern acknowledged the contributions of the Submariner's wives and significant others, the Base Commanders, our Holland Club members, and the wait staff for this event. He then spoke to the continued challenges of Russia and China, but in his position at JHU APL, he still judges our submarine force as the best in the world.
Upon completion of his presentation, George Woods presented Vern a plaque of appreciation.

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January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Base Commander George Woods introduced our guest speaker, Captain Vernon J. Parks, Jr (ret).

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Captain Vernon J. Parks, Jr (ret).

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

George Woods presented Vern a plaque of appreciation.



Next, the "Sailor of the Year" awards were bestowed. Since COVID caused last year's banquet to be cancelled, Howard Doyle, our Past Base Commander announced the 2020 award for "Sailor of the Year." The 2020 "Sailor of the Year." was Marcia Unser, Base Secretary. But being our Secretary was only one factor in her selection, including attendance in the Awards Banquets, Base Picnics, parades and static displays that the base participates in.

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January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Howard Doyle, our Past Base Commander presented the 2020 award for "Sailor of the Year" to Marcia Unser.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

"Sailor of the Year" plaque.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

"Sailor of the Year" citation.

Then, our Base Commander announced the 2021 award for "Sailor of the Year." The 2021 "Sailor of the Year." was Joe Trotter, Base Treasurer. But being our Treasurer was only one factor in his selection, including updating our financial records and Storekeeper database. Joe also took on additional responsibility as a member of the ASSM Committee, the USSVI Tucson 2023 Convention Committee, and the USS Arizona Legacy Foundation, for the USS Arizona SSN-803.

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January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

George Woods, our Base Commander presented the 2021 award for "Sailor of the Year" to Joe Trotter.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

"Sailor of the Year" plaque.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

"Sailor of the Year" citation.

George then inducted Don Petty into the Holland Club. The first two photos show the other Holland Club members who were present standing to honor Don Petty's achievement.

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January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Holland Club members standing to honor Don Petty on his induction.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Holland Club members standing to honor Don Petty on his induction.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Don Petty's induction into the Holland Club upon 50 years Submarine Qualified.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Don Petty received a certificate from Perch Base.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Don Petty also received a certificate from USSVI National.

January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Don Petty also received a Holland Club patch.


January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Don Petty also received a Holland Club coffee cup.


Carl Miner tolled the bell for the January "Tolling of the Boats" ceremony, and tolled the bell in remembrance our Perch Base members who passed on to Eternal Patrol during 2021.
Charles Henry Bishop Jr. 1/29/2021
Louis Clyde Reynolds 2/2/2021
Stephen Frederick Hough 2/11/2021
Daniel Luellig 2/23/2021
Angus Howard McPherson 4/4/2021
Forrest Watson 7/13/2021
L.A. Mike Keating 7/20/2021
Raymond Marshall 9/10/2021
Donald M DeMarte 11/24/2021
Ruth Olsen

The Silent Auction benefitted the base and was coordinated by Perch Base member Brad Seidel.

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Members, families and friends attending the banquet. Apologies to any that were up from their tables as pictures were taken.

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January 2022 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

The dinner placemat.



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