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Happy Birthday
Jim Newman

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Perch Base Life and Holland Club Member Jim Newman celebrated his 90th birthday at a party on 10/5/2019.
Jim is a (1995) charter member (a.k.a., Plankowner) of Perch Base and was our first Base Commander.
Jim served as an Engineman in the Navy from 1948 to 1952 and qualified in submarines in 1950 on the USS Sea Leopard (SS-483). He also was assigned to the USS Tambor (SS-198)
Special thanks to Perch Base Life and Holland Club Member Jim Denzien who attended the party and provided the photos. Jim Denzien is also our Western Region Director.

Click on any thumbnail for a larger picture.

Jim Newman 90th birthday party 10/05/2019

Jim Newman(l) and Jim Denzien(r).

Jim Newman 90th birthday party 10/05/2019

Then USSVI National Commander Charles Marin, presents the Perch Base its Charter to Jim Newman and Frank Rumbaugh -- Commander and Vice Commander -- of the Base on Sept. 23, 1995.

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