Perch Base
Scholarship Presentation
Congratulations to the children and grandchildren of Perch Base members who each received $1,000 scholarships during
the August 10, 2019 general meeting. The Perch Base treasury provided $500 toward each scholarship and the Perch Base
Charitable Foundation provided the other $500 toward each scholarship.
The Scholarship recipients were Jaid Urness, Cameron Millette and Jacen Millette.
Jaid Urness is the Daughter of Perch Base member Chris Urness. Cameron and Jacen are Grandsons of our Perch Base Commander Howard Doyle.
The photo, below, (l-r) shows Chris Urness, Howard Doyle, Jacen Millette and Cameron Millette.
Jaid was already at school, and was not able to accept the scholarship in-person, thus it was accepted on her behalf by her
father, Chris.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.
Some additional photos of the presentation.
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.
Since Jaid Urness was already off to school and could not attend, she sent a Thank You card:
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.