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Perch Base
Annual Picnic

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Perch Base held its Annual Picnic meeting on Saturday, April 13, 2019. Some members from Tautog Base (Casa Grande) and Gudgeon Base (Prescott Valley) joined us.
Our Perch Base Commander, Howard Doyle (left) opened the meeting and our Perch Base Chaplain, Governor Joy gave the invocation and the Chief of the Boat, COB, Carl Miner tolled the bell for the lost boats ceremony.
Ceremonies included Western Region District 1 Commander Vic Van Horn awarding our Perch Base Commander, Howard Doyle, his Base Commander Manual.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.

The celebrations included a cake celbrating The "Submarine Force Birthday" on April 11. Holland VI was purchased by the U.S. government for the sum of $150,000 on 11 April 1900 from John Phillip Holland's Holland Torpedo Boat Company. She was considered to be the first truly successful craft of her type. Holland VI was modified after her christening, and was renamed USS Holland (SS-1) when she was commissioned.
The usual debate ensued whether we are "submarine-ers" or "sub-marin-ers," but take a good look at the spelling by the cake decorator and the argument becomes moot!
Thanks to our Perch Base Vice Commander, George Woods, for getting this picture before we devoured the cake.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.

Jan Van Horn drew the tickets for the 50-50 drawing, as well as other prizes. Howard Doyle was the 50-50 winner!

Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.

Various other pictures of the members and their families at the Perch Base Picnic.

Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture.

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