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Arizona Submarine Veterans
Perch Base
Phoenix, AZ
United States Submariners

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Click on the logo or these words to go to the United States Submariners home page.

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USS Tullibee

Lest we forget to perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. . .
81 years ago, on March 26, 1944, the USS Tullibee (SS‑284), sailed off into history on her final and eternal patrol.
Lost on her 4th war patrol. It's believed she was a victim of a circular run by one of her own torpedoes. The lookout was the only survivor and he survived the war as a Japanese prisoner.
79 men were lost.
Your Brothers of the 'Phin Have the Watch.
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmates.

Eternal Patrol Dolphins

Visit the Perch Base Eternal Patrol page.

Veterans Crisis Line

Are you a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one?
Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves. It is confidential and available every day, 24/7.
Click on the picture, above, to go to the VETERANS CRISIS LINE.

USS Trigger

Lest we forget to perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. . .
80 years ago, on Mar. 26, 1945, the USS Trigger (SS‑237), sailed off into history on her final and eternal patrol.
On 26 March, Trigger was ordered to join a wolf pack and to acknowledge receipt of the message. A weather report came from the submarine that day but no confirmation of her having received the message. The weather report was Trigger's last transmission. On 4 April, she was ordered to proceed to Midway, but she had not arrived by 1 May and was reported as presumed lost. Postwar records indicate she torpedoed and sank a Japanese repair ship, but the next day, Japanese planes and ships joined in a two-hour attack on a submarine heard by other boats in the wolf pack. Japanese records showed a Japanese aircraft detected and bombed a submarine on 28 March 1945. Destroyers were then guided to the spot and delivered an intensive depth charging. After two hours, a large oil slick appeared.
89 men were lost.
Your Brothers of the 'Phin Have the Watch.
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmates.

Eternal Patrol Dolphins

Visit the Perch Base Eternal Patrol page.

Dana Allmond, Army Lt Col (ret)


Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Dana Allmond, Chief of the Arizona Department of Veterans' Services Office of Veteran & Military Family Affairs within the Arizona Department of Economic Security was our guest speaker at the Perch Base monthly meeting on March 8, 2025. She was also accompanied by her Deputy Chief Marcus Trombetta.
Dana discussed the services available from her organization and a theme of "No Veteran Left Behind."
See more pictures HERE.

Longevity Awards

Membership Chairman Paul Miller awarded Longevity Award pins to 3 Perch Base members at the March 8, 2025 base meeting.
Chris Gahan received a 5-year longevity award pin.
Caroleen Culbertson received a 5-year longevity award pin.
W. Howard Doyle received a 25-year longevity award pin.
Congratulations to each recipient!

Captain Raaz visits Perch Base

Hawkbill (Idaho) Base Life and Holland Club member Capt. Dick Razz (USN, ret) visited Perch Base at our March 8, 2025, meeting at Dillon's Restaurant.
Captain Raaz first served and qualified on the USS Pomfret (SS‑391) in 1969. He also rode the USS Sculpin (SSN‑590) from 1972 to 1974, and the USS Benjamin Franklin (SSBN‑640) from 1974 to 1978.
Captain Raaz then served as Executive Officer on the USS George Washington (SSBN‑598) from 1978 to 1981, Commanding Officer of USS Haddo (SSN‑604) from 1983 to 1986 and finally Commanding Officer of USS Georgia (SSBN‑729) from 1986 to 1989.
Four others attending the meeting had served with him during his career.

David Heighway installation

Perch Base member David Heighway, who was our Vice-Commander since March 9, 2024, was elected and installed as our Base Commander at the March 8, 2025, Perch Base Meeting at Dillon's Restaurant.
Congratulations to Dave, who was also previously our Event Coordinator, and thanks to George Woods for his service as the past Base Commander since March 13, 2021 (not to mention George's contribution as Vice-Commander from March 9, 2019 to March 13, 2021.)
David was sworn in by Perch Base member Vic Van Horn who was formerly our Western Region Director and also District Commander WD1.
See more pictures HERE.

March 2025 Western Region Roundup

Perch Base member Joe Trotter and his wife Kathy attended the Western Region Roundup at the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA from March 6 – 9, 2025.
Thanks to Joe Trotter for the photos.
More photos are being added as they are received from Joe, so keep returning to see what has been added!
See more pictures HERE.

ASSM Paver Installation on 02/17/2025

Perch Base USSVI member and Arizona Silent Service Memorial (ASSM) Chairman Joe Trotter & Dan Marks, Perch Base Webmaster installed a new paver at the ASSM in Wesley Bolin Plaza at the Arizona State Capital on February 17, 2025.
Perch Base Life member John Brown donated to the ASSM to place an 8" x 8" paver. John qualifed on the USS Pintado (SSN‑672) in 1980 and also served on the USS Guitarro (SSN‑665). Thanks John!
Contact Joe Trotter at (724) 854-0514 if you would like to place a paver. They are available in 8" x 8" and 4" x 8" sizes.
Read and see more pictures or order a paver HERE.

Honor Flight Arizona

Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) can apply for a trip to Washington, DC from Honor Flight Arizona.
Application forms are available on their website, There are 124 Honor Flight hubs across the country, including Honor Flight Arizona. The cost to send a Veteran on the 3-day Honor Flight from Arizona is $1,300 and includes airfare, hotel and food, but the Veteran pays nothing. The cost is covered by donations to the 501(c)(3) organization. Guardians that accompany a Veteran pay their own way. Spouses cannot be Guardians, but other family members are encouraged. They are presently sending mainly Korean and Vietnam War Veterans between 1941 to 1975, including Cold War Veterans. A recent flight (which included our Base Commander George Woods) that just returned on May 10, 2024, had 30 Veterans. The Honor Flight Arizona usually has 5 flights in the spring and 5 flights in the fall, but intends to increase to a total of 12 per year.
Tour activities included the US Navy Memorial, Fort McHenry, the National WW2 Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Marine Corp Memorial, Military Women’s Memorial, Maryland Museum of Military History, the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and a group picture at Fort Myer Air Force Base. George Woods was highly complementary of his Honor Flight in 2024. Jim Andrews was on an Honor Flight in 2022.

February 2025 Ron Perkins Holland Club Induction Photos

Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) Member Ron Perkins was inducted into the Holland Club at our monthly meeting on February 8, 2025, having been qualified in submarines for over 50 years. Ron Qualified in Submarines on USS Cusk (SS‑348) in 1969.
The photo shows the Perch Base Commander, George Woods, (right) awarding Ron Perkins (left) his Holland Club certificate, letter and coin during the monthly meeting on February 8, 2025.
See more pictures HERE.

Joseph J. Hawkins

Perch Base Holland Club Member and Life Member Joseph J. Hawkins, CSC(SS) (ret), 89, passed away November 14, 2017.
Joseph joined the Navy in 1946 and honorably served in the US Navy during WWII, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War until 1966. He retired from the Navy as a Chief Culinary Specialist, CSC(SS).
Perch Base officers had been trying unsuccessfully to make contact with Joseph, but it was not until 2025 that we discovered the location of his interment in the RI Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Exeter, RI, that we learned he had passed onto Eternal Patrol.
Joseph's first submarine assignment was aboard EX‑U‑2513 as a Seaman after WWII, which included both evaluation tests of the U‑boat's design and duty in conjunction with the development of submarine and antisubmarine tactics. The Greater Underwater Propulsion Power Program (GUPPY) would be initiated because of the results of these tests, where we learned about the schnorchel (a.k.a., snorkel.)
Joseph then served on the USS Dogfish (SS‑350) and subsequently Qualified in Submarines on the USS Becuna (SS‑319). He also served on the USS Sculpin (SSN‑590) and the USS Sailfish (SS‑572).
Read and see more pictures HERE.
Your Brothers of the 'Phin Have the Watch.
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmate.

Eternal Patrol Dolphins

February 2025 Laveen Parade Photos

Eight Perch Base members and a guest participated on February 1, 2025, in the 24th Annual Laveen Community Parade.
This year's theme was "Laveen’s Got Talent!"
The crowds along the side of the parade route expressed their appreciation of our service as our float went by.
View more pictures HERE.

Anthem Veterans Memorial on 01/30/2025

Déjà vu all over again
"Déjà vu all over again" is a quote (a.k.a, "Yogi-ism") from the great philosopher and baseball player Yogi Berra.
When was the last time you used a sextant?
The Perch Base Life Member & Webmaster, Dan Marks, was frustrated that he never gets to see the Anthem Veterans Memorial when it is lined up with the Great Seal every November 11 at 11:11:11 AM because we are always participating in the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade when the solar alignment occurs.
But have you ever considered that the same solar alignment repeats for any solar position twice a year, except the summer and winter solstices? So the Webmaster put on his Quartermaster hat (he happens to be a nuke ET) and determined the sun’s azimuth and elevation at 11:11:11 AM on Veterans Day, then went to the astronomical tables at and determined the other date to achieve the same solar position is January 30th at approximately 11:40 AM (sometimes January 31 in a leap year).
According to Jim Martin, the Anthem Veterans Memorial chief engineer, the Anthem Veterans Memorial was designed to align correctly within plus or minus 12 seconds to compensate for pole wandering and seasonal slowing of the earth’s rotation. Learn more about Jim's engineering of the Memorial on the Anthem Community Council website. Jim Martin was also the engineer for the Arizona Silent Service Memorial (ASSM) in Wesley Bolin Plaza.
I then took a ride to the Anthem Veterans Memorial and took these pictures. Perch Base member CC Clarke was also present for the solar alignment.
Did you miss it? Stop by next year at the Anthem Veterans Memorial on Friday, January 30, 2026 at 11:40:38 AM! (plus or minus 12 seconds) Click HERE to see the worksheet. See you there!
View more pictures HERE.

January 2025 Annual Awards Banquet Photos

Perch Base Submarine Veterans (USSVI) held its Annual Awards Banquet on 1/26/2025 at the Pebble Creek Clubhouse in Goodyear, AZ.
Congratulations to our Storekeeper, John Beckett, who was awarded the 2024 "Sailor of the Year" Award.
The Keynote Speaker was Vice Admiral Phillip Sawyer (ret). At the time of his retirement, Admiral Sawyer was the chief of staff for special activities for the Submarine Force Atlantic in the office of United States Strategic Command. Earlier in his career, he commanded the submarine USS LA JOLLA (SSN‑701)
Holland Club Inductions were performed for Kenneth Kennedy and Samuel Mecham, upon achieving 50 years as Qualified in Submarines. Mark McCreary and Ron Perkins were also recognized for induction into the Holland Club, but were not present at the Awards Banquet.
View more details and pictures HERE.

Paul displayed the trophy at our monthly base meeting on January 11, 2025.

While attending his boat reunion for the USS Cavalla in Groton, CT last October, Paul Miller had the opportunity to visit with an old shipmate in Boston. Paul's shipmate introduced him to his Base Commander - Marblehead Base, Mike Hogan. While talking, Mike offered Paul the Requin Base Traveling Dolphins which they had moored for the last seven months. It seemed like a good time for the Dolphins to see a portion of the country other than "The Northeast" or "Mid-Atlantic". So, on 10/07/2024 the Requin Base Traveling Dolphins were handed over to Paul Miller and Perch Base for a safe Southwest journey. Somehow, they fit in Paul's suitcase.
The Requin Base Traveling Dolphins were created by the Requin Base in Baden, PA near Pittsburgh. They were originally donated by Huey Dietrich, Base Commander on 1/1/2011. They have been traveling since that time to mainly Northeast and Mid-Atlantic bases. It’s longest time in one port was at the Thresher Base for nearly seven years.
Perhaps we should award the trophy the next time we have a visitor from another base to keep them "travelling?"

December 2024 PCU Arizona Xmas Photos

Perch Base Past Base Commander W. Howard Doyle sent a Christmas gift of hot sauces to the Precommissioning (PCU) Arizona (SSN-803) crew.
Howard went to Southwest Specialty Foods, who manufacture the brand "Ass Kickin' Original Hot Sauce" at:
700 North Bullard Ave
Goodyear, Arizona 85338
Howard's original plan was to ship a few bottles to the crew. After discussing his intentions with Linda Jacobs, their VP Sales & Marketing, they offered to send 3 cases with all their varieties to the crew. They even created a customized label with our Perch Base logo. Please consider their generosity if you are shopping.
The crew is going to love it!
If you would like to send a gift or a holiday card to the USS Arizona crew, here is their address:
PCU Arizona SSN-803
General Dynamics, Electric Boat
75 Eastern Point Rd
Groton, CT 06340

December 2024 Pearl Harbor Day Photos


Five Perch Base members attended the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day event on 12/07/2024 at the Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza by the Arizona State Capitol.
We were also honored by the presence of a Medal Of Honor recipient at the ceremony! Note the device around his neck! It is a NAVAL Medal of Honor (which includes Marine Corp recipients.) This is Marine Corp Colonel (ret) Jay R. Vargas. He received the Medal Of Honor "For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Commanding Officer, Company G, Second Battalion, Fourth Marines, Ninth Marine Amphibious Brigade in action against enemy forces in the Republic of Vietnam from 30 April to 2 May 1968."
Read more and view more pictures HERE.

Wayne Hembree

Perch Base Life and Holland Club Member Wayne Hembree, E-4(SS), passed away onto Eternal Patrol, Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
Our condolences to his wife Sandie, family and friends.
Services will be held on December 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM, at Gilbert Memorial Park,
2100 E Queen Creek Road, Gilbert, AZ 85297
Immediately following service the family invites you to join them for a Luncheon at the LDS Church at:
2700 E Galveston Street, Gilbert, AZ 85295.
Wayne joined the Navy in 1969 and left in 1972. He served and qualified on submarines on the USS Sam Rayburn (SSBN‑635) in 1971.
Wayne had been a member of Perch Base USSVI since January 5, 2017.
Read and see more pictures HERE.
Your Brothers of the 'Phin Have the Watch.
Fair Winds and Following Seas, Shipmate.

Eternal Patrol Dolphins

Membership map

The image, above, shows that we have members all over metropolitan Phoenix. Left-click on the image for a larger view. If you are a Perch Base member and would like to consider carpooling, you are willing to pickup another member, or you need a ride to meetings or events, send an email to the webmaster at
The Board of Directors will attempt to match you with another nearby member who has similarly asked to carpool, or is willing to pickup another member. The Board will then provide the name, email, and phone number to the interested members that can then get in touch with each other to make specific arrangements. We are not publicly posting names or personal information to maintain privacy.
Keep in mind that if you wait until the last minute to request a match-up for a particular event, we may not be able to respond in time.

Road construction near Dillon's

Roadwork will require lane restrictions and full closures on Loop 101, the interchange ramps and cross streets between 75th Avenue to I-17. Work will occur primarily during overnight hours and weekends to minimize traffic impacts, thus may affect travel time to future meetings at Dillon's starting September 27, 2024.
Although there is presently no closure scheduled for our next meeting on October 12, you can check the current status on the ADOT website HERE.
You can also view the live Loop 101 cameras on the AZ511 website HERE.
We will try to keep the restrictions up-to-date on the Sailing Orders page prior to each meeting.

Boat Sponsorship Program patch

The purpose of the Boat Sponsorship Program (BSP) is to make the active duty submarine force members aware of USSVI and provide them with information about our activities through sponsorship of the American Submariner to the various Submarine related organizations. After all, these force members represent the future core membership of USSVI.
Perch Base is a sponsor, but did you know that individual members may sponsor each Fast Attack Submarine and/or each crew of the Boomers? Magazines are also sent to VA hospitals, NROTC units, schools and other places. The cost is $30 per year for a total of 12 magazines (three each of the four annual volumes.)
Our Perch Base Holland Club & Life Member Jack Messersmith is the USSVI BSP Program Manager. Let’s make Jack proud. Check your copy of the American Submariner to sign up for the program.

New Facebook Page

Come and visit, LIKE and FOLLOW our new Facebook Page, USSVI Perch Base Arizona.
Building a successful Social Media network for any organization is no longer a "we’ll think about it" topic. Today, it is a MUST DO for all nonprofit organizations, including United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. (USSVI) and its Bases. It is critical if we want to expand our membership growth and communicate our unique mission story in an effective and cost-effective manner.

We Trained For This Photo

With all the recent activity and cancellations as a result of the Corona Virus, this speaks for itself!

Map to Dillon's Restaurant

We meet the second Saturday of every month at 1200 hours (noon if you’ve been out a while) at Dillon's Restaurant, 20585 North 59th Ave, Glendale, AZ 85308-6821 (Left-click address, or the map above, for a Google map to Dillon's.) Come at 1100 for time to "socialize."
NOTE: Check our SAILING ORDERS page before "dropping in" on a meeting!

USS Finback rescuing George H.W. Bush USS Finback rescuing George H.W. Bush

In the upper picture, above, the crew of the USS Finback (SS-230) rescues downed pilot, Lieutenant Bush of Torpedo Squadron 51 on September 2, 1944 after Japanese antiaircraft defense shot down his torpedo bomber between the northeastern end of Minami Jima and the southern tip of Chichi Jima. (Left-click the picture to enlarge.)
In the bottom picture, Rescued pilots and the crew and officers of the Finback. Lt. (jg) George Herbert Walker Bush is second from the left in the front row.
Bush, and 4 other rescued aviators remained on the Finback as "guests" while she tracked and attacked convoys, endured depth charges from Japanese escort ships, and sank two ships (an oiler and small cargo ship). The five ended their stay on the Finback on Midway Island on September 29, after 29 days aboard the submarine (and crossing the international date line).
Read more about how the submarine service performed "Lifeguard Duty" during WW2 in the National Archives HERE.

Click video to START.

The Loss of the Perch

View Loss of the Perch video

Click HERE to select another video.


US Flag at half staff

Governor Katie Hobbs has ordered U.S. and Arizona flags to fly at half-staff to honor the life and legacy of U.S. Representative Raúl Grijalva, who died today at age 77 after serving in the U.S. House of Representatives for more than 20 years.
Flags should immediately be lowered to half-staff and remain so through sunset on March 14, 2025.
Governor Hobbs made the following statement:
"I am devastated by the loss of Representative Raúl Grijalva and my heart is with his family and loved ones. He was a true champion for the people of our state. For over two decades, he was a fierce advocate for his constituents and a fighter to uplift Arizona’s most vulnerable communities, with a steadfast focus on ensuring justice for all. During his years of service, Congressman Grijalva worked tirelessly to protect our environment, expand health care to countless Arizonans, respect tribal sovereignty, and ensure everyone has the opportunity to thrive. To his last day, he remained a servant leader who put everyday people first while in office. I join every Arizonan in mourning his passing. May he rest in peace.
Individuals, businesses and other organizations are encouraged to join in this tribute.

65 U.S. Submarines never returned to port. Click on Eternal Patrol and see pictures and stories of the "boats" that remain at sea . . . forever, on eternal patrol.

Need to reach us or have a question?

An anchor line separator

USSVI Creed:

"To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.

In addition to perpetuating the memory of departed shipmates, we shall provide a way for all Submariners to gather for the mutual benefit and enjoyment. Our common heritage as Submariners shall be strengthened by camaraderie. We support a strong U.S. Submarine Force.

The organization will engage in various projects and deeds that will bring about the perpetual remembrance of those shipmates who have given the supreme sacrifice. The organization will also endeavor to educate all third parties it comes in contact with about the services our submarine brothers performed and how their sacrifices made possible the freedom and lifestyle we enjoy today."

An anchor line separator

We honor those submariners
who have never
returned to port
and remain on
Eternal Patrol

Link to boats on Eternal Patrol

Click on the picture, above,
to see those boats on
"Eternal Patrol"

An anchor line separator


Officer Dolphins

WE are an organization with but one simple requirement to join
— have you ever worn Dolphins?
(been designated, "Qualified in Submarines.")

All of us have served their country
in the Silent Service

Enlisted Dolphins


An anchor line separator

Because we are the "SILENT SERVICE," many people are unaware of the services our submarine Brothers of the 'Phin performed in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Thirty submarines served in the Korean War, as detailed on the Korean War Educator website *. Sixty-six submarines served in the Vietnam War, as detailed in a letter from United States Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. Also check out the related SubVet_News-2019-030 regarding Agent Orange exposure by Blue Water veterans.

An anchor line separator
Click here for the Submarine Glossary

Click on the Blackboard for a Complete Glossary of Submarine, Naval and Nautical Terms

An anchor line separator

Click on this sentence, or the photo, below, to see how the float was constructed

Pictures showing how the float was constructed

To honor those who currently serve, and those who went before us, we built this float that we use in parades and static displays. The float is a 1/15 scale model of the nuclear powered submarine USS Phoenix (SSN-702,) named after our city. The Phoenix was a Los Angeles-class submarine that was 362 feet long and, on the surface, had 32 feet of the ship under water.
If you would like us to bring the USS Phoenix to your parade or event, contact our Event Coordinator.

Need a description of the Perch Base float, a scale model of the USS Phoenix (SSN-702)?
Click on the document icon, below, to get the approved and authentic script suitable for parades or other public events.

Refer the event organizers to Float-Announcer-Script.pdf

Script suitable for parades or other public events.

An anchor line separator
Click here for the Submarine Glossary

Click here for a complete historical listing of all the classes of submarines.